sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2008

Testes .-.

You Are the Very Gay Tinky Winky!

Purple with a gay pride symbol... how could he not be gay?

And that red purse is divalicious!

Your Cupcake Says You Are Your Own Biggest Fan

At parties, you tend to be a lot of fun. You make everyone just a little bit happier.
You have lots of restraint in your life. You never are victim to your desires.
The most important thing in your life is passion.
You are dominant, vain, and a bit of a show off. To know you is to worship you.

You Are a Henna Gaijin!

You're not Japanese, but you wish you were!
You can use chopsticks with your eyes closed, and you've memorized hundreds of Kanji.
You even answer your phone "moshi moshi."
While the number of anime videos you've seen is way higher than the number of dates you've been on, there's hope.
Play the sexy, mysterous gaijin, and you'll have plenty of Japanese hotties worshipping you.

Your Pirate Name Is: Black Janie Jalibird


You Are a Gingerbread House

A little spicy and a little sweet, anyone would like to be lost in the woods with you.

You Are a Blueberry Muffin

You are a nurturing, domestic, homey person.

Of all the types, you are the most likely to make your own muffins at home.

You don't like to rock the boat, and you're most content when you're making everyone else happy.

You are very loyal. You'll defend your family and friends, even if you secretly disapprove of what they're doing.

You tend to be a bit shy and withdrawn. You don't make friends quickly or easily.

But once you do make a good friend, the chances are high that you'll be friends for life.

You Are a White Wine Woman

Breezy and casual, you know how to have fun when you're drinking.

And even though you can kick back with a few drinks, you never let things get out of hand.

Alcohol is not a social lubricant for you... it just enhances your already sparkling personality.

You prefer to date a man who is optimistic, friendly, and funny.

You Are Flannel Pajamas

You seek comfort above everything else. You rather feel good than look good.

You are a very relaxed person, especially when you're surrounded by your favorite things and people.

You are a homebody. Home is the place where you can truly be yourself.

You are likely to wear pajamas a lot. In fact, you often change into your pj's the minute you get home!

You Are a Vanilla Shake

Vanilla, yes, but definitely not boring.

You are subtly complex and deeply sophisticated.

You're the type of person who has always been ahead of their time.

You don't fall for gimmicks or tricks. You are drawn to what's true.

Cheese Pizza

Traditional and comforting.

You focus on living a quality life.

You're not easily impressed with novelty.

Yet, you easily impress others.

You Are a Hot Fudge Sundae

Classic, simple, and divine.
Why mess with perfection?

You Are a Smiley Face Cookie

You're happy go lucky. So happy, in fact, it's a little past the point of normal sanity.

You usually make those around you smile ... when you're not creeping them out!

You Are a Glazed Donut

Okay, you know that you're plain - and you're cool with that.

You prefer not to let anything distract from your sweetness.

Your appeal is understated yet universal. Everyone dig you.

And in a pinch, you'll probably get eaten.

You Are 94% Creative

You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity.

Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool!

Entonces, esses são alguns u_u
Noa postei outros por pura preguiça. -q
Kissus ;*

Um comentário:

Berii disse...

Somos gemeas meninë! *O*